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Mrs. Ada Shares How Her Faith In Investments Was Restored With Page Financials.

posted on Dec 10, 2021 |   347 likes


If you are looking for a legitimate way to safeguard and secure your financial future – and that of your children, then our investment products at Page Financials were designed for you.

 Follow Page Financials on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to get daily inspiration on how to enjoy life. We want to help you live life to the fullest.

Every day, new investment schemes spring up. Some are legitimate, but some are simply scammers seeking to take advantage of the vulnerable.

Globally, investment fraud is on the rise and Nigeria is no exception. With a promise of ridiculous returns, the investor only realizes the scam after the investment company vanishes into thin air.

After making a terrible investment choice, Mrs. Ada shares how her faith in investments was restored with Page Financials.

"Whenever I hear anything about investments on the radio, TV, or from my colleagues, I just close my ears because, in my opinion, they're all the same.

A few years ago, I lost a large amount of money when I fell for a get-rich-quick Ponzi scheme. They promised me 50% ROI. I should have known it was too good to be true.

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After investing with them, the news broke that the government had exposed an investment company as fraudulent a few months later. They were shut down immediately and their investors left to count their losses.

All efforts to recover my capital at least proved abortive. Just like that, I lost my money.

After that experience, I vowed to never make any investment decisions again without properly checking the firm out first.

What’s that expression for it again? Once bitten twice shy. In my case, I was three times shy.

One day, my colleague came to me singing praises about one Page Financials. A few days ago, Page deposited her return into her account after her investment matured.  

In this Nigeria? I asked

Just to clear my doubts, she showed me the evidence of the returns paid to her and the conversations she had with Page during the investment tenor.

It was real.

Since I wasn't about to take her word for it, I began my own investigation. I searched for all the information I could lay my hands on. On social media, newspapers, and information blogs. 

Once I had confirmed that Page was legit, I contacted them to learn more about their investment options and how to access them.

A representative from Page Financials talked me through the process and what my ROI would be at the end of the tenor. Unlike my previous experience, I wasn’t pressured into making hasty decisions.

I finally decided to invest with Page in January 2021.

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In addition to transparency and excellent customer service delivery, I was able to monitor my money in my Page account. I also had the option of requesting my interest payment upfront. This was nothing like I ever imagined.  

Finally, my investment matured this month, December 2021 and without stories, I got my money back, capital and interest. Exactly as I was told.

My Christmas is about to be lit. Vacation here I come.

Now I believe that a reliable investment company still exists. Thank you Page Financials”

We understand your worries

Some of us are just like Mrs. Ada. As a result of bad experiences with some investment schemes, we are hesitant to explore any other investment product.

If you are looking for a legitimate way to safeguard and secure your financial future – and that of your children, then our investment products at Page Financials were designed for you.

Who Can Invest with Page?

Page Financials’ investment offering is open to all Nigerians with legitimate sources of income – whether you’re a working-class or running a business.

All you need to have is the determination to secure your financial future. You also need some funds that you are willing to lock away for some time – typically a minimum of 30 days.

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How Much Can I Invest with Page and what is the Tenor Range?

You can invest a minimum of N200k and move up to as much as N50Million. For amounts larger than N50Million, further approval from management is required. 

The invested amount will influence the returns you get. Remember, It’s the bigger, the better.

Also, investment tenors range from 90 days, 180 days, and 365 days with options of rolling over. If you want to leave your investment for a longer period, which will automatically mean more returns for you, the roll-over feature is designed to handle that for you.

How To Begin Investing With Page Financials

The topic of investing used to be reserved for the rich and bold, intelligent and smart, people who have expertise in the area of financial management. Old news

Innovative organizations like Page Financials have disrupted the financial institutions' sector and demystified investing.

Now, everyone can invest. You do not need a degree in finance. With as little as N200k, Page Financials can help you secure your financial future.

All you need to do is call us on 017007243 or send an email to customer@pagefinancials.com. One of our investment experts will give you a call back to understand your needs and help you get started with an investment plan as soon as possible.

Our consultants will further discuss appropriate rates and tenors for you – based on your unique needs.

If you’d like to speak one-on-one with us for financial advice, you can speak to a financial expert at Page for free by calling 017007243 or sending an email to customer@pagefinancials.com

Visit our blog at https://pagefinancials.com/blog for more inspiration on how to take charge of your financial life.

Follow Page Financials on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to get daily inspirations on how to enjoy life. We want to help you live life to the fullest.

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