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Back To School Preparation; Tips For Parents And Children

posted on Sep 6, 2022 |   501 likes


Are you prepared for school yet?

Another back-to-school season is upon us, if you are like most parents, you would probably be having a back-to-school fever right now? And, it’s completely understandable.

The bills, the preparations, the anxiety from the children – all combined can be a little over bearing.

But you don’t have to worry anymore because in this article, you would have a clear understanding of how to prepare your children/ward for school resumption without getting drowned with pressure and bills.

For many parents/guardians, this season comes with mixed feelings; - excitement because the children would be able to explore and grow intellectually, worries because it takes a lot to actually be financially prepared for resumption.

So how do you go about it?

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Back-To-School Tips for Parents/Guardian

1.     Draw out a list

Always draw out a shopping list on items to purchase from the market so that you know and separate your needs from wants, in order not to purchase random or unnecessary items.

Unplanned shopping could also result in failure to buy some items needed at the moment.

While you may think that the money you have is too little, with proper management and prioritization, you would be amazed at how far it could go.

2.     Always shop early

Items may get more expensive at peak periods just before school resumes, which is why early shopping aids in relaxation and calmly purchasing necessary school supplies.

Also, shopping early gives you enough time to go over your shopped items and get other items you may have missed out.

3.     Avoid over-stocking and Under-stocking items

As the case may be over-stocking may result in loss of items as the child/ward might lose items knowing fully well it’s in excess (as we all know country is hard).

Under-stocking on the other hand could lead to the child suffering from inadequate study materials which has a negative impact on their learning and academic development.

Note that there is no manual to shopping for back-to-school items and also parenting differs with individuals so do what works best for you, however, the tips above would generally guide you to making financially healthy decisions.

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Resumption Tips for The Child/Ward

1.     Set your goals for the session

Remember procrastination is the thief of time so set realistic goals and take action immediately. Before you set a goal, take a closer look at what you're trying to achieve and think about the results you want to see. We all know it’s hard but try accomplish at least 80% of the goals at the end of the session.


2.     Ensure you have the right back to school requirements

Having the right school wares, books/stationeries, fee receipts, medications and provisions for those who live in the school premises. These are key items to put on check list before resumption date.

3.     School rules

The holiday is over and you are back to certain school activities like Wake-up time, assembly time, subject periods, break time, lunch time, dress codes, co-curricular activities, etc.

Rules and regulations are put in place to provide order and standards in the school, and any breach can create an imbalance with consequences. Discipline teaches accountability and responsibility in students.


Final Words:

Back to school for some parents/Guardians can be exciting while others dread back to school because it comes with a lot of run-arounds and bills like school fees, textbooks and exercise books, hostel accommodation, provisions/snacks etc.

However, if the bills are looking too sudden, timelines looking unrealistic and the list endless, we have good news for you.  Page Financials got you covered. You can access up to 5million naira to sort these bills at affordable rates and flexible tenor to pay back.

To apply, simply visit www.pagefinancials.com/registration. For further inquiries, you can send a mail to customer@pagefinancials.com or give us a call on 017007243.


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