5 Intriguing Reasons Why You Should Use The Page Mobile App.

posted on Jul 3, 2020
Everything you need to know about the Page Mobile App
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Mobile is one of the leading digital enablers that is changing the way people transact worldwide, as a leading financial institution, we cannot afford to ignore our customers’ desire for mobile experience.
As the world evolves, our customers’ behaviors have changed, people now prefer a more rapid approach to service delivery, it’s even accelerated when it comes to accessing financial products.
People want to get what they want in an almost instant. Just like you, customers want to take control of their funds, they want to have it their way. We listened, and created just that.
However, for us, it is not all about launching another customer channel, it is about really giving our customers more control of their facilities and helping them seamlessly perform the financial transactions without hassle.
We didn’t just create a mobile app, we packed it with value and If you haven’t already downloaded the Page Mobile App, here’s the link to get it for Android and iOS.
Still thinking whether it is time to download and use the Page Mobile App for all your transactions?
Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Should Jump On This Right Now.
1. Unlimited Transfers at Zero Charge
There’s no better way to begin this list than highlighting our solution that solved one of the major issues Nigerians had complained about for years – transaction charges.
Before now, if wanted to send money to 10 people, you will be charged N52 - or any amount your financial institution deemed fit - per transaction.
Now if you multiply that amount, N52 by the number of transactions say 10, it comes down to N520.
If you make double that number of transactions in a month (majority of people do) the amount quickly increases to over a thousand naira and then it begins to hurt really badly.
Why should you pay your financial institutions N520 for sending your money to your family and friends?
That was a major pain point for our customers for years. But with the Page Mobile App, we solved that problem because you enjoy ZERO charge on unlimited transfers - forever.
If you are still paying financial institutions for transfer charges every time you send money to people, it’s time to switch to Page and enjoy the Zero Charge life.
2. Mobile Recharge And Bill Payments At Zero Charge
With social distancing being the new order, people want to remain connected to colleagues, family members, loved ones, business partners, news sources, Internet, Cable TV, or even electricity – while staying safe.
With the Page Mobile App, we’re ensuring that you can make all your bill payments safely online without risking yourself to visit any physical vendor.
From DSTv subscription payments or renewal to airtime purchase for any network, you can conveniently transact and get value from the comfort of your convenience.
But that’s not all, bill payments on the Page Mobile app also attracts ZERO charge, yes that’s right.
If your cable TV subscription cost N4,000, that is all you are going to pay, no additional N100 for transaction charge.
3. Access To Realtime Chat Support
Like we said before, the app isn’t just to help customers perform transactions, it is designed to give power to our customers and make us more accountable to serving you.
We were among the pioneers that engineered the integration of a Realtime chat application into a financial institution’s mobile app in Nigeria, giving our customers the express right and access to simply login into the app and chat with us if they need support.
This means if for any reason you encounter any problems while using our products, you can get help within the app without calling or sending an email, an agent will be available to chat with you to resolve your issue.
This level of accountability is rare in the financial sector and we are proud to be championing exceptional customer service for our clients.
4. Secured With Fingerprint and Code Lock
Security has to be on the list, we are talking money and personal privacy, so whatever is below Bank-grade security structure is not useable for us.
The mobile app is completely secured with the highest standard of financial services securities layers available. It is almost impossible to lose your data or expose your privacy online.
Again, this security is heightened because of the extra layer of security that mobile apps provide.
Traditionally, to login to your app you will need to provide your username security code, but we decided to take it even further by integrating the Fingerprint unlock feature.
That means once you turn on the feature, you can unlock your app in a public place without the fear of someone peeking on your pin.
Simply hover your finger on your phone sensor during login and the device will log you in automatically.
Note that for this feature to work, your phone must have the fingerprint security feature installed
5. Mobile – Power In Your Palms
Obviously, the mobile feature of this app means you carry financial power everywhere you go.
No need to cram links for various operations, or carry a computer every time you want to make a transaction. With a push of buttons, you get computational power that beats the speed of even the most modern browsers.
Since you already move around with your phone for important things like shopping, social media, emails, and all the great stuff you do with your phone, having your financial app handy is the next best thing you can do.
We all hate the long queues in the banks and ATMs, it’s time wasting and frustrating, but with our fast and convenient payment solution, you can now pay your cable TV subscriptions, electricity bills, internet subscriptions, and even buy airtime from all networks at no extra cost.
Yes, use our mobile app and enjoy bill payments at zero charge on all transactions. Also transfer funds to your friends and family on the go.
Imagine, all you could do with those saved charges!
Our support team is available to address any questions you might have in terms of accessing our quick loans, investing, or using our payment solution to enjoy zero charge on transfers and bill payments.
Visit our website at https://pagefinancials.com or call 01-700PAGE (7143) or send an email to customer@pagefinancials.com to speak with us.
Follow Page Financials on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to get daily updates on how to live a financially sound and productive life in your career and personal life.