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8 Behaviors That Could Make You Rich

posted on Jul 20, 2020 |   559 likes


A pathway to a predictable future of wealth

The truth about getting rich is that often times, it depends on what you do or don’t do. 

Very few people ever tap into their hidden potential, they relent to the status quo, never really thinking that they can achieve their biggest goals in life.

They give up and throw in the towel, calling it quits. But it's virtually impossible to get rich if you give up.

Failure is just a stepping stone. It isn't the end of the road.

If you're serious about not just making lots of money, but in creating significant wealth, here are behaviors you should pick up right away:


Number 1: Add Massive Amount Of Value

It sounds a bit like a cliché, doesn't it? Just add value, and everything will be better.

But how many people do you really think go out with the desire to add massive amounts of value? Clearly, not many.

Think of the wealthiest people around you, their wealth is commensurate to the amount of solution(value) their products or services provides.

A lot of people are out there to do the least amount of work for the greatest return, but that is not how life works.

To get great results, you need to put in great work, you need to provide great value so that you can reap great results.


Number 2:  Be Grateful 

It's really easy to look at certain strategies and techniques in business or in life that will help you make monumental leaps forward, financially speaking.

But If you're serious about succeeding at the highest level, be grateful.

Not tomorrow. Not in a few weeks when you get a raise. Right now. In this very moment.

Appreciate what you have while striving for more, this way, you are also not swayed by greed into losing what you currently have. Be grateful.


Number 3: Get Specific About Your Goals

Getting rich or attaining a certain level of financial competence is just like achieving any other goal.

To get there, you need to ensure that you set those goals the right way.

Set SMART goals and be very specific about them.

Don't set them arbitrarily in your mind. Write them down and come up with powerful reasons why you absolutely must achieve them.

That's one of the biggest and most potent internal transformations that you could make in your mind.


Number 4: Create And Follow A Plan

When an airplane leaves from one city to the next, it has a plan. Its plan is called a flight plan.

It's a massive action plan that involves speed, altitude, direction of travel and many other facets.

But what happens when there's turbulence or air-traffic congestion or it needs to change course for some other reason? The plane changes its plan.

But it doesn't change its goal of where it's going. Create and follow a plan, and don't be afraid to change it if you see something isn't working.


Number 5: Always Pay Yourself First

We've all heard the saying. Pay yourself first. But do you follow it?

The truth is that most people live with a scarcity mentality. They go paycheck to paycheck, petrified of what might occur if they get sick or lose their job or something else traumatic happens.

The truth is that if you don't pay yourself first, you'll never be able to get rich. It's part of having an abundant mindset and should be prioritized at all costs.


Number 6: Contribute To Others

Even if you have no money, find a way to contribute to others. Look for opportunities where you can help those around you.

Whether they're in need or not, this mindset will drive home the point that you have more than you need, even if you physically don't.

Search for ways, every single day, where you can contribute either your time or your money to those who might be less fortunate, because that's the true essence of success in every form.


Number 7: Continuously Upskill 

Doing the same thing and expecting a different result will only lead to frustration now or in the foreseeable future.

If you want to experience turnaround in your finances then continuously improving on your earning power and upskilling is one sure way you can position yourself to earn more.


Number 8: Invest – Whenever You Can 

Investment can never be ignored when talking about creating a sustainable future of wealth.

Anytime you can, set aside money that will generate returns for you in a long run. It is a strategy that has helped the wealthiest people you know become wealthier.

Investment used to be a topic reserved for the ‘financial gurus’, not anymore.

With the innovative approaches and technologies deployed by top financial institutions like Page Financials, everybody can now create an investment portfolio that suits them – without having a PhD in Finance.

To get started with an investment plan, visit the investment section of our website at https://pagefinancials.com/investment.html or call 01-700PAGE (7143) or send an email to customer@pagefinancials.com to get started.



Anyone and everyone can create the future they want, it only takes building the right habits and shedding off the wrong ones.

By developing these 8 habits one at a time, you are drawing closer to a sound financial future.

If you need further support or information, our customer service and finance expert team is available to address any questions you might have in terms of improving your personal finance, our quick loans, investing, or using our payment solution to enjoy zero charge on transfers and bill payments.

Visit our website at https://pagefinancials.com or call 01-700PAGE (7143) or send an email to customer@pagefinancials.com to speak with us.  

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