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Use These 4 Steps to Settle Back to Work After the Holiday

Use These 4 Steps to

posted on Jan 11, 2022


Having Post-vacation Syndrome? Read this

Before the holiday, we hoped anxiously for it to come, and now that it’s over, drum rolls….and we’re back to the rhythm of ‘please find attached’ and ‘kind regards.’

If you are (normal) like most people, this is not an exciting feeling, especially with the subtle awareness that another holiday is farfetched.

But with all said, it’s time to return to work. For many, making this switch might not be the easiest thing to do, and will need more than five alarms set to get up from bed before 8 am. Now, this is nothing to feel ashamed or worried over; what you’re simply experiencing is post-vacation syndrome.

Also known as ‘post-holiday blues’, post-vacation syndrome is often felt after a long period of celebration and relaxation. For some people returning to their pre-holiday’s routine, catching up on tasks, backlogged work, unread emails, the fast pace of deadlines can be a struggle.

If you struggle with insomnia, low energy, lack of concentration and even frustration, it might be a sign of post-holiday blues.

With holiday vacations coming to a close, it’s now time to return to work, so how do you deal with post-vacation syndrome? Here are 4 simple guides to help you get back to work after the holiday.


Understand The Holidays Are Over

Most of the feelings that come from post-vacation syndrome are psychological.

Your brain was getting used to waking up at 8am during the holiday, but now it has to change into waking up at 5am.  Every time you think of the displeasure, your brain sends a stress signal to your body, and your body feels bad about it, so the rest of your day is a struggle.

In this case, acceptance is not defeat; instead, it marks the first step to progress. To get over the holiday blues, start by accepting that the holidays are over and it’s time to start working again. Start to ease slowly into your routine and as much as you can avoid procrastinating.

Procrastinating will only delay your return-to-work mode and thus causing more stress and anxiety in the long run.


Be Strategic with Meetings

Last thing you need to resume with is a morning full of meetings when you’re just getting back to work. If you can, and it’s permitted, move meetings at least two days after resumption; that way, you can gradually ease into the workflow.

As an addendum, avoid overly long meetings on your early return days, you should consider shorter incremental meetings in sprints to track progress and get you back in the work mood slowly.



Make A To-Do List

To do lists are very important in any work setting, not just for remembering tasks, but also to track the progress of your work.

After a vacation, a daily to-do list becomes even more extremely helpful tip to get back to work. Take the first hour of your day to itemize all you have to do in order of priority, be sure also to clear them in the same order.

Keep your list where you can see it all day long; it’ll be a helpful reminder to stay focused. Remember to be strict with yourself; it might not be fun, but it’s necessary.


Categorize Emails

Unpopular opinion but not every email sent during the holiday needs an immediate reply. There’s no prize for clearing out your inbox first, so before you go on an ‘I trust this email finds you well’ spree, sort out your emails in order of priority.

You can also schedule replying emails for the whole week; it won’t hurt to take things slow.


In Conclusion

One final important detail is to not overdo it. As tempting as it might be to get started quickly and try to finish it all at once, but contrary to popular opinion working extra hard the first few days after resumption isn’t healthy.

Instead, pace yourself and take things slow; it’ll help build a renewed vigor in you.

This year, Page Financials have a goal to help you fuel all your financial plans with hassle. So, in case financial pressure is one of the reasons why you are having post-holiday syndrome, you have nothing to worry about.

You can secure up to N5 million today to stay financially on course of your 2022 goals.

Visit www.pagefinancials.com to learn more about how to apply and take your year goal to a whole new level.

If you’d like a one-on-one with us for a free financial advice, you can speak to a financial expert at Page by calling 017007243 or sending an email to customer@pagefinancials.com  

Visit our blog at https://pagefinancials.com/blog for more inspirations on how to take charge of your financial life.

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