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Get Started With 2020 in 4 Easy Ways

Get Started With 202

posted on Jan 2, 2020


It's Happy New Year, what next?


While many people have already verbally and psychologically abandoned 2019 and are living in 2020, we think it is important to end the year properly and make judicious use of every ticking second.

Before you fold your 2019 mat, at least know how you fared, and what you can do differently in the coming year, after all, that’s how to start the new year with focus.

Reviewing the year is not just to remind you of your achievements and shortcomings but to help you kick off your New Year’s career on the right foot and here is how to get started.

In this short post, we share four (4) easy ways to get ahead of 2020 and enter the year confidently and with focus.

List your 2019 achievements

Your achievements are a good place to begin your retrospect from. Think of the best three to five things you accomplished this year and write them down. You must have achieved those goals because you did something right or improved your skills or began a new behavioral pattern.

Whatever you did to achieve those goals should be listed as your strength.

List your 2019 shortcomings

Remember those items on your goals list that you weren’t able to accomplish? State three to five of them and ask yourself why.

Be completely honest with yourself in finding out why you weren’t able to accomplish those goals.

When you become familiar with why you were unable to achieve those goals, you can make those reasons your weaknesses. Write out that weakness and draw up a plan to manage your weaknesses in the coming year.

Create a Plan

At Page financials, we’re factual and no matter how people have trivialized new year’s goal setting, we still recommend it – although with commensurate commitment.

So, now that you are familiar with your strengths and weaknesses, it is time to write out your New Year goals and seek ways to maximize your strength to achieve more. If you need to acquire more skills to do more in the coming year, you should begin the training process now.

This is also the right time to create a plan on managing your weaknesses such that they can be used to achieve your goals.

Brace yourself for the next level.

Success is opportunity meets preparation – Zain Asher

The world is evolving really fast and you cannot afford to be left behind. The end of the year is a great time to look ahead and figure out what you need to start doing to prepare you for the changes that may occur in your professional, financial, social and personal life.

Finally, failing to prepare is equivalent to preparing to fail. Therefore, achieving your goals in 2020 is highly dependent on your preparations and commitment towards achieving them.

For a more personalized help on planning for the new year and setting goals – especially  financial goals, reach us on phone at 016317243 or send us an email at customer@pagefinancials.com.

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