Work Vs Lunch Break: To Work or Not To Work

posted on Jun 11, 2020
To work, or not to work?
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Have you ever tried to answer the age-old question about the lunch hour: To work, or not to work?
We’re all guilty (at one point or the other) of trying to play a smart one on time by scarfing down a sandwich (or any food for that matter) in front of our computer screen with the hope of getting one or two done at the same time.
But have you ever stopped to ask yourself: Is this the best use of my time?
It might not be. In fact, if you think that taking a real lunch break is a waste of time, we think it’s time to reverse the narrative.
Lunch is actually an important part of the workday. You should work during lunch, but this work isn’t the “sitting in a meeting room discussing things with your mouth full” type of work.
Instead, you should look at it as a chance to mentally recharge and to get to know your co-workers better. Lunch hour might even be the secret to generally feeling more positive and engaged at work.
Why A Lunch Break Is Not A Waste Of Time
Working through lunch sometimes feels like a necessity – but the reality of missing out on that mid-day break can have some serious implications.
When you don’t work through lunch, you get two-fold benefits: It’s good for your mental health and it helps you become a more involved/engaged part of your team.
Mental Health Benefits
Stepping away from your desk to eat is a chance for you to recharge your mental batteries and reset for the second half of the day.
This is good news, as data shows that breaking from work-related tasks allows your brain to function better and to concentrate more fully.
In fact, studies show that a 15 to 20-minute break is a proven way to sustain concentration and energy throughout the day.
Team-Oriented Benefits
But that’s not all. There are also some team-oriented perks, too.
In short: Taking a lunch break is an easy way to engage with and get to know your co-workers better.
It’s a low-risk, no pressure environment for conversations to take place and helps create a sense of intimacy that’s often lacking in workplaces.
This opens the door for troubleshooting conversations, empathy, and sharing with people from different departments that you might not normally have the chance to regularly interact with during the workday.
In conclusion
While it seems like you can achieve a lot by sacrificing your lunch break for work, it is actually a deceptive feeling.
Putting work aside to observe your lunch break as we’ve seen in this post helps your brain slow down and reboots on a higher transmission that helps you do more meaningful work.
If you are finding it difficult to keep the lunch break sacrosanct by yourself, you can join a group at your office that observes lunch break regularly, or tell a colleague to always call you when they are going for lunch.
Your lunch break is also a great to reach us if you need information on getting quick loans, investing, or using our payment solution to enjoy zero charge on transfers and bill payments.
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