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Music: A Productive Work Ingredient

posted on Jun 19, 2020 |   433 likes


What Music Should You be Listening To At Work?

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Last week we wrote about books that will help you increase your productivity level at work, we made five recommendations of such books, if you missed the post, here’s your chance to read it click here.


While not very many people in this part of the world like reading books, there’s certainly something for everyone. So, this week, we’re writing about music, how music can improve your productivity and the kind of music to listen to.


If you’ve ever found yourself in a groove or state of flow, you know first-hand that the right mood can boost your productivity and help you get more out of your workday.


But what if you could achieve this fluid work state whenever you wanted? The reality is: You can.


With the right music that makes you productive at work, you can maximize your working hours and be your most productive self.


In this piece, we’ll talk about how music affects productivity, and examine what type of music is best for different types of work.


But First, How Does Music Affect Your Productivity?


We need to clear this before we can make meaning of whatever we will say in this post.


What’s going on behind the scenes when we listen to music at work? It turns out that listening to music while working impacts everything from focus, to mood, to stress management. There’s quite a bit of science and research that proves this, too.


Music Boosts Efficiency


Teresa Lesiuk, an assistant professor of music therapy at the University of Miami, conducted research that found workers who listened to music completed their tasks more quickly and had better ideas overall than those who didn’t.


Music Impact On Mood


Another study meta-analysis found that of test subjects who could either listen to music or take anti-anxiety drugs before a stressful event, those who listened to music experienced less anxiety and lower cortisol levels than those who took the anti-anxiety drugs.


So, what can we take from this? Well, for one thing – listening to music while you work has a lot of perks.


From sparking creativity to helping make the day generally more enjoyable, music might be the secret to a more effective workday.


The next question, then, is: 


What Kind Of Music Should You Listen To For Maximum Productivity?


The same way you would go for blues or jazz music when seeking a romantic tune for your partner, different kinds of music work differently for different kinds of tasks, let’s look at some.


Repetitive Tasks = More Upbeat, Complex Music That Keeps You Motivated


Daniel Levitin, neuroscientist and writer of This Is Your Brain on Music, found that music can make repetitive tasks more pleasurable and increase your concentration on a mind-numbing task.


This could be upbeat pop music, fast-paced songs with lyrics–whatever helps motivate you.


More Complex Tasks = Simpler, Lyric-Free Music


What if you are working on a complex task? Opt for simpler music.


 Studies show complex music can distract from tasks that require high degrees of concentration.


Go for calming classical or instrumental music without any words to stay focused and distraction-free.


Keep in mind that if you work on different types of tasks throughout the day, you might construct a playlist structured to reflect those work sprints – which can help you stay on-task.


What Music Is Best For Productivity?


When looking at what music is best for productivity, there are several options to consider. The best option will depend on the task you’re doing and your personal taste in music. Choose the right music for your specific needs and goals


Improve Focus: Classical Or Instrumental Music


Classical or lyric-free instrumental music can create a helpful, focus-inducing environment.


In one study, seven of eight doctors said that classical Baroque music increased their mood and concentration on their work.


Relax And Create A Mood: Lo-Fi Music


“Low fidelity” music, also known as lo-fi, aims to generate a mood rather than entertain–which is ideal for working conditions.


 The New Yorker sardonically calls it “apathetic music to make spreadsheets to”, but the reality is – that might be just what you need.


With quiet back beats and relaxing undertones, this jazz and hip-hop infused blend can create a relaxed mood in your workspace.


De-Stress: Ambient/Nature Sounds


Ambient or nature sounds are great for times when you’re not in the mood for music but need to boost your concentration and de-stress.


This works: One experiment found lower stress levels in those who listened to nature sounds when compared to silence and or classical music.


Achieve Flow: A Single Song On Repeat


It might seem strange, but listening to a single song on an endless loop can actually be a smart move.


WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg is known for using this approach to achieve a state of “flow” when working.


Why does this work? Psychologist Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis says in her book On Repeat: How Music Plays the Mind that musical repetition gets us mentally thinking through parts of the song we expect to come next, which creates a sense of shared subjectivity with the music.


Choose a song that you feel puts you in a creative mode and that you don’t mind hearing over and over again.


Stimulate your mind: Brain.fm


Brain.fm makes “functional music” that uses artificial intelligence to generate music which stimulates and activates neuron activity associated with focus, meditation and relaxation.


The premise: Within 15 minutes of listening to Brain.fm, you’ll be lulled into a mental state that doesn’t divert your attention.


Their focus music also removes sounds that could grab your attention, which is known as ‘salience reduction’. A free trial is available, but you may find it’s a worthwhile investment if it works for you.


In conclusion


Getting your work done and delivering efficiency at your work place is essential to your corporate relevance and career growth. But what you do to achieve that level of efficiency and productivity is entirely your making.


While reading productivity books works on a longer-term perspective by instilling cultures and disciplines into your daily routines, listening to music can impact on your productivity in a matter of minutes and you can get your creative juices on – anytime.


The overarching goal is to be able to produce the best quality of work at any given time and whatever it takes to put you on that mood that spins results, we will help you find it as your financial partner – but you have to implement.


While at it, if you have any questions regarding our quick loans, competitive investment offering, or using our payment solution to enjoy zero charge on transfers and bill payments.


Visit our website at https://pagefinancials.com or call 01-700PAGE (7143) or send an email to customer@pagefinancials.com to speak with us.  


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